For those of you who have followed my blog, you know I am prone to an occasional mishap now and then...well, frequently ha! I'm so very sorry that I inadvertently blocked my How To's page. I was working on a test blog page and instead of setting that one private, I didn't notice I blocked the How To's instead.
I am happy to report that the How To's page is now back up and fully accessible. The link is located at the top of the left side margin.
I want to thank those of you who have emailed me about my absence. You are darlings for thinking of me. I'm very sorry I was not prompt in replying.
Once, when a couple of my favorite bloggers vanished without a word, I felt concerned, confused and frustrated not knowing what had happened. I do treasure my blog mates and have always taken much pleasure in participating in the various blog parties. So many of you have been so kind to take time leaving me such wonderful and thoughtful comments. So for these reasons I feel compelled to explain my abrupt absence.
I guess it's easiest to say things haven't been going too well. Generally, I bounce back fairly well. But this time things have been...difficult.
My son started college, most of you know the drain on expenses that can be. To make it more challenging, the week before my son was going to move into his dorm, my position became another unfortunate statistic in this declining economy. I woke up one morning and "poof" no job, no severance, nothing.
I haven't had the heart to tell my son; I didn't want to spoil his college experience. He was so excited and had so much fun getting ready to move into his dorm. Moving day was wonderful for him, it was great to see him so full of hope and joy.
In the midst of all that, my mother had a slight episode that caused us great concern for several days. This was then followed by the news that her sister, who is 3 years her senior, passed away. I will miss my wonderful auntie very much.
All the while, I was hitting the job market very aggressively. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to compete with 20-30 somethings. What is laughable is it was hinted to me by one 30-something human resourcer that my age was a hindrance. I guess he thought he was doing me a favor. ha!
I am happy to report that the How To's page is now back up and fully accessible. The link is located at the top of the left side margin.
I want to thank those of you who have emailed me about my absence. You are darlings for thinking of me. I'm very sorry I was not prompt in replying.
Once, when a couple of my favorite bloggers vanished without a word, I felt concerned, confused and frustrated not knowing what had happened. I do treasure my blog mates and have always taken much pleasure in participating in the various blog parties. So many of you have been so kind to take time leaving me such wonderful and thoughtful comments. So for these reasons I feel compelled to explain my abrupt absence.
I guess it's easiest to say things haven't been going too well. Generally, I bounce back fairly well. But this time things have been...difficult.
My son started college, most of you know the drain on expenses that can be. To make it more challenging, the week before my son was going to move into his dorm, my position became another unfortunate statistic in this declining economy. I woke up one morning and "poof" no job, no severance, nothing.
I haven't had the heart to tell my son; I didn't want to spoil his college experience. He was so excited and had so much fun getting ready to move into his dorm. Moving day was wonderful for him, it was great to see him so full of hope and joy.
In the midst of all that, my mother had a slight episode that caused us great concern for several days. This was then followed by the news that her sister, who is 3 years her senior, passed away. I will miss my wonderful auntie very much.
All the while, I was hitting the job market very aggressively. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to compete with 20-30 somethings. What is laughable is it was hinted to me by one 30-something human resourcer that my age was a hindrance. I guess he thought he was doing me a favor. ha!
It is true, when it rains, it pours! I'm afraid I didn't handle all this very well. I was overwhelmed and became a sad puppy. I wallowed in self-pity. Then one day it occurred to me how foolish I was to carry on so. We all have our own burdens. There are so many others who have it so much harder and have lost so much more than me.
Now I have a renewed hope. I continue to search for another position and in the meantime I've worked on my prototype and filing for my patent. At this point, my prototype is finished and I have a few manufacturers in mind; now I need to get my proposal together and find an investor would be interested.
More importantly, I have my treasured loved ones close to me. Their love, support, laughter and companionship means everything to me.
I realize that it is time to let some cherished pieces go. So I've been coding my own ebay template. I decided to use the same background I'm currently using on this blog page. I hope the listings comes out nice. I'll post it when I get something up.
So you see dear hearts, my glass is not half empty, but in fact, half full. I have much hope and am determined.
Again, thank you so much for your concerns. I cherish all the wonderful, caring, and thoughtful people I've had the privileged to become acquainted with through these blogs. To those of you that I've let down, I am deeply sorry and hope to make up for it soon.

More importantly, I have my treasured loved ones close to me. Their love, support, laughter and companionship means everything to me.
I realize that it is time to let some cherished pieces go. So I've been coding my own ebay template. I decided to use the same background I'm currently using on this blog page. I hope the listings comes out nice. I'll post it when I get something up.
So you see dear hearts, my glass is not half empty, but in fact, half full. I have much hope and am determined.
Again, thank you so much for your concerns. I cherish all the wonderful, caring, and thoughtful people I've had the privileged to become acquainted with through these blogs. To those of you that I've let down, I am deeply sorry and hope to make up for it soon.
Dear Tina..
All I can say is the Lord works in mysterious ways..I too became a statistic 18 months ago..frankly there is overt age discrimination..
plus a much younger inexperienced person can be hired much more cheaply than one with experience! Often, two part timers will be hired with NO benefits!
You at least have been working in a positive manner..as have I.
When one door closes..another opens. I wish you luck with your new endeavor..personally, I've been honing my skills in various avenues..and actually have an in person LIVE interview on Wednesday!
Oh Tina, you have not let us down! Real life always comes first over blogging. Just know that we will be here if you need us.
I'm sorry to hear about your job. I know the market is tough but I also know you are a talented, creative, motivated person! You will find your way through this.
I am also sorry for the loss of your aunt. I hope that your mother is doing better, all things considered.
Hang in there lady!
Welcome to the real world! I lost my job position Thanksgiving of last year. I do know what you felt like, and unfortunately, experience counts for nothing today, as degrees and a young age are what is required in the job market nowadays. I have employment experience in a number of areas, from health-care to admin assistant, from harness horse trainer to public speaking. I have yet to get even one single interview. It can be disheartening, to say the least, but we must find something to take joy in. I believe you have found your joy - good luck on your ideas!
Tina, I have been very worried about you and wondered where you had gone. I have checked your blog many times and so I knew you were out there. I figured it was time and you were probably very busy. You knew this would come, I bet is was harder than you could have ever imagined and ever more so than I could have told you to expect. It's done now, he has flown and I bet you are now ok. You now "get it" and on with life, both for you and for your baby. You will find what you are looking for and need. No worries, it will come to you, be open, be patient, continue the search and you will get there. So very happy to have you back with us. I missed you lots, Char
so sorry, sometimes life just throws you a curve, but what an inspiration you are, showing great spirit, i am sure with all your talent, someone is going to be very lucky to hire you, good luck, and i will be thinking of you
My Dear Friend Tina; I an so very sorry for the loss of your Aunt,, I hope your Mom is doing well... Their is not one of us here that has not or been through what you are going through... so we are all here for you and I will keep You in my Prayers,, the Lord is with you also... As far as your age being a factor for working,,, Shame on Him... age has nothing to do with it... and that is not legal,,, hope you find the right investors and it all goes well..... take care...I still stop by your lovely blog.. your how toos are so great....thank you for them... God Bless;
Tina so sorry to hear but so glad you shared with us about all of life's happenings right now. I will be praying for your job situation. I don't think the 30 something guy knows what he is talking about. Those of us that are a little more mature have a much better work ethic and I believe there are lots of employers looking for good not young help!
Oops closed too soon my last comment. I wanted to let you know how very sorry I am for the loss of your auntie-
Hi Tina...I am so sorry to hear about your aunt and your job loss. Trying to cope with that, plus seeing your son off to college is a lot to deal with at one time. I am amazed at the attitude of some younger people and their disrespect for the wisdom of someone older than them...no doubt you have much more to offer than they can possibly know. I pray you find a position in a place that will appreciate and welcome you and your experience...I know you will be an asset anyplace you go. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, and look forward to hearing about what is happening in your life. Our blogging community is so wonderful...never stay away for long, because we really do support each other.
God bless you, Tina!
Hi There, just got done reading your blog post. I know exactly how you feel. I have been going through some problems too. Sometimes I don't know how I am going to handle everything. I won't get into any of that, I'm writing for a different reason. I have a job idea for you. email me at: bellemaisonshop@yahoo.com
♥ Rebecca
Thanks for becoming a part of it's so very cheri. I am signing up to follow you as well. I hope you come by often and leave lots of comments, since that's how I get to know you better.
You will be in my prayers.
You are so talented something is going to come your way that you love to do. Just keep thinking that and it will happen.
So sorry to hear that you've had such a rough time lately! I'm not sure what type of work you did at your previous job, but you have displayed such a variety of talent here in bloggyland...your beautiful mosaics, your gift of words, your fabulous decorating sense (just to name a few). Maybe God has something in mind that can incorporate all of these many gifts in a new and special way.
Also, hope your mom is doing better. My sympathies to both of you in the loss of her sister, your aunt.
Take care, & keep us posted.
I cannot tell you how much you darling women have lifted my spirits! Thank you so much for your kind words and your incredible support! I know this is going to sound way corny, but I just have to say that tears of joy is way better than from sorrow!
I am deeply touched and I feel so blessed!
Hugs to each of you!
Hi Tina....only a Mom would think to keep news like that from their child during such an important time in their life...Bravo to you and I hope your son has settled in to college life and enjoying himself...Both myself and my husband lost our jobs when my daughter was a senior in high school....Husband worked for corporate Home Depot and had much stock in the company that was soon to be free for him to do with as he wished.....when they let him go they took back the stock three months short of it being availible.... the stock that was going to pay for college.....Well, we got her not only through 4 years of an Ivy League University but their law school as well.....The finiancial aid office knew me very very well....Hang in there everything always works out for the best....Sue.
p.s. daughter got a free private room and meals for 3 1/2 years after becoming a "Resident Adivisor" at her dorm...you might want to have your son look into that....
Hi Tina,
My heart goes out to you. I was wondering what happen to you. We have been going through hard times too and I have not been blogging that much.
I do hope that you find a job soon. They keep saying things are getting better, but I don't think so. We can only hope.
I will keep you in my prayers.
Welcome back Tina!
The sun will come out tomorrow and things will be a brighter day. You will see. When God closes a door he always opens a window. You window will come, and I will be adding you to my prayer list. There is something out there just waiting for a talented person like yourself. You are right,it is hard to compete with the 20-30 something crowd,but there has to be something out there for someone as creative as yourself. I don't know what you did before but, check with the senior homes and challenged homes as they are always looking for someone to teach arts and crafts, and what craftier person than yourself. I know there is something special out there for you. Maybe you could even start teaching some mosiac classes at one of the colleges or craft stores. The craft stores are always looking for new classes to offer for their customers. You can make good money doing that also. I don't know that I have helped any,but sometimes extra ideas turn a lightbulb on. I have missed your smiling face sweetie. Welcome back, and it will get better. You will see. Country hugs, Sherry
Hi Tina,
I just found your blog through Alaura at Cottage Rose. I love your blog so much! my goodness you are one very talented lady! I have become a "Follower".
We are not far from each other, I work in Menlo Park.
Take care and enjoy your day, keep creating!
Hi Tina,
May it comfort you at least a bit that you have one more person saying a prayer for you. Times are a bit hard but faith and hope are the best things to hold on to. I'm so sorry for your loss and all you have been through. Please stay strong and keep up that positive attitude!
Oh! I also wanted to thank you for becoming a follower, I'm truly flattered. I do hope you enjoyed your visit. Please come again soon. Wishing you a wonderful 1st day of autumn.
Blessings and a smile,
Just remember that when one door closes, another one has to open. It may not always be as soon as when we would like it, but I believe we don't get locked out forever....
Sending the best of luck and wishes to you for finding your way~ Sue
I'm sure things will work out great for you. Life isn't always how we plan. How we handle what we have been given is the true measure of a person. You seem to be "measuring" up just fine...! Thanks for the comment.
Thank you for fixing your blog! I love it, and was sad when I couldn't get to it. I am going to make some mosaics for Christmas gifts this year and you have the BEST how-to-do it. You are very talented and creative!
Sometimes I get a glass half full of bleach.... long story, don't ask lol
Your blog is so darn cute!
Oh Tina, I just read this, and I do hope things are looking better! Take care of you, and good luck with everything! ~tina
Tina, the only good part of bottoming out is there is no place to go but up. I sense you're there. I'll be cheering you on. You go, girl and have a wonderful weekend.
Sending you sincerest wishes and good luck! Take care of yourself.
Hi Tina. Everything will soon be alright.
Have a great day.
Tina I had no idea you were experiencing these life changes. I truly believe and have experience Loui's comment stated above that when one door closes another one opens and sometimes in ways we have never imagined. Age discrimination is out there for sure, but not with everyone. I have hired for years in a medical environment and have never looked at age either young or old - but rather at attitude, an ability to learn, work ethics, outlook on life, etc. - I am sure I am not the only one that takes this stance - so don't let narrow minded persons get you down. I do not know you personally, but I see that you are extemely talented and feel that you are also a strong person - you WILL find something and hopefully it will make you much happier than your last position - give the new door a chance to open....you never know what will be. Take Care
Life certainly does have some tough times, and it is most important to stay focused on our blessings. You are doing good, and I will keep you in my prayers.
Happy Pink Saturday, Tina.
I haven't commented in a while but I do read your blog. I just want to add my prayers for you with the others. I lost my job quite suddenly about 1 1/2 years ago. I couldn't find another job. I am single and support myself so this was devastating to me at the time.
God does have a plan for you as He did for me. I decided I would look for work in another state, near my daughter and her hubby. Funny thing is that I had five interviews in one day there! I got the dream job I wanted and moved! It took another 4 months to sell my house. Another stressful time! I lived with my daughter/hubby during that time. It was really hard but finally my house sold and I was able to rent my own place here in Alabama. All this is to say that you never know what blessings God has in store for you. Just trust Him to lead you in the right direction. He will!
Blessings, Kathi
Tina....my gosh, my heart is heavy as I read this. Thank you for sharing all of these issues with us and letting us know that you are okay. I know that you are now in a position, similiar to myself and it can be a b*t*h!! I feel that you have the courage and strength to carry on and move forward. Your talent and positive outlook will pull you through. You have already made the decision to move forward and that is great for you soul...keep your head up and don't let the bad vibes get you down!!
My deepest sympathies to you and your family for the loss of your dear Aunt, I hope that you Mother is doing better!
Take care of yourself, stay strong and remember, you are terrific and others will see that....yes they will!!!! xOxO Big Hugs Nerina :)
Hi Tina...
I'm so sorry this is happening to you right now...It sounds like it is raining.....but as my dear friend always tells me...."And God is Still IN CONTROL..."....and that's so comforting. My husband is in sales and has made less than half of what he made last year.....it's not pretty here either.... But, things are going to get better shortly. I'm glad you've regained your optimism.
Huge hugs and blessings.....
Hi, precious... I'm late reading this because I've been MIA myself. I came looking for you for Pink Saturday, and now I see what's going on. I'm so sorry you've been through this ordeal. Sending much love your way and hopes for a better tomorrow.
My hubby lost his job recently. It's a shocker! After some time of grief, on with life and new projects and directions. I am sure the future will be better than the past for all of us, especially for hard-working optimists!
Hi Tina,
So sorry things are not very bright right now but you know, "There's always a light at the end of the tunnel." Miss your blogging. Be back soon, I hope. Take care.
Blessings & hugs,
Dear Tina,
I am so sorry for your recent difficulties. I am praying for you. I miss you very much and hope you will be smiling and blogging again very soon!
Kepp your chin up, great things are right around the corner.
Hugs, Mary
I have missed you and hope you are doing alright, let us know, Char
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