Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Chandelirious! Fly by PhotoViewing Opportunity!

Greeting dear friends and fly by photo viewers! So happy to see you so soon. You know, I too am guilty of (occassionally) being a fly by photo many blogs, so little time. And, we do love the eye candy...yes?
Well today's tasty treat is another great opportunity for fly by photo viewing. Although, I'm fairly certain you may need to hit the breaks a time or two. For today I'm sharing one of our favorite things...chandeliers! Ohhhhh I love me some sparkly chandy dripping in lots of crystals. I also have a few other favorites I'd like to share as well.
So grab a cuppa, get comfy, fasten your seatbelt, and let me fill your senses with delight!
First up, the dripping in sparkle chandys.

Hello gorgeous!

an antique oh so la la classic french beauty
Wrought iron and crystals with shades...

or without

Love this wrought iron dripping in crystals, it sings to me.
crystal chandelier
I'm sure you hit the brakes for this Glam goddess in green. Oh yea baby!

romance in pink

Now this one I've written to Santa for

As well as this one..Santa Baby I've been oh so good!

I'm sure many of us have...written to Santa that is.
Not too sure about the "been good" part *cheeky grin*
Gee whiz, now I've got that "Santa Baby" song in my head *sigh*.
Have a few more I want to share with you. I would be completely content with all any of these.
A bit of whimsy does the heart good!
Some bird watching, a cottage cutie!

Another cottage delight, too charming

Here's a brake slammer for ya! I would hang this in my dining room (if it were larger....umm, my dining room, not the chandy.

I swooooon for this one

An antique chandy that absolutely needs to belong to me!(are you listening Santa?)

I'd like to sail away home with this antique treasure

Last, but by no means least....
I know many of you have seen variations of this amazing chandy....

...well here is a similar beauty all a glow. Can you say "WOW?"

Sad to say, but, we've reached the end of the road. Did you see a favorite or two? Or perhaps I've introducted you to a new love...yes? It's hard for me to pick an absolute favorite. I love them all. Guess one could say that I'm an equal opportunity swooner lol!
I do hope you enjoyed your visit and should your heart desire, spare a moment to share your thoughts! Love hearing from you!

Have a lovely, safe and warm week! Be well!



  1. Love the one with the pink crystals!

  2. What eye candy, for sure! I love them all and wouldn't that one with the pink crystals be cute in a little princess room?

    Guess what? I had that rooster chandy in my house in Door County. It was the one thing I wanted to take and the buyers insisted we leave....sigh...I have never seen another one like it until here- xo Diana

  3. Holy Toledo, Tina. You found some fabulous chandys. I think that first one is one of my absolutely faves. I just LOVE chandys. Love,love, love them. Thanks for sharing. Susan p.s. SO GLAD YOU'RE BACK!


(In my best Audrey Hepburn voice)...You're a darling to take the time to leave me a comment! xoxo, Tina