Saturday, November 21, 2009


Happy Pink Saturday everyone! Thank you so much to our fabulous Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting!

If you haven't already, do stop by Beverly's blog and say hello. Get comfy, grab a cuppa and enjoy all the fabulous pinks the other wonderful and clever participants have posted.

Today I am going to share with you a dream....and a tradition...The Nutcracker

For many, it begins with a first impression...

....a parents delight...

....a young girl's fancy....

....dreams fulfilled

The Bolshoi Ballet

...the Prima Ballerina

Pas de deux....

Pas de...ummm faux pas?...(take a look at the ballerina's expression)

....ouch! haha

Ok, I'm going to scoot. I want to view the other fabulous participants and their post for
Beverly's Pink Saturday! You are more than welcome to join us!

Hugs & kisses!


  1. Can you say, hernia??? Looks like he is straining to hold her up there. LOL!

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. Tina how beautiful your post is! I love the Nutcracker. Happy Pink Saturday. Grace

  3. OMG! thank you for show warmed my heart!
    Warm and cozy Thank You
    Happy Pink Saturday and Thanksgiving
    xxoo Denise

  4. I love the Nutcracker. We never took my son; he probably wouldn't have enjoyed it, anyway; but, I do feel like I shirked on my parental duty! Thanks for sharing. Maybe we will get to NYC for the holidays and find a performance. Oh, he will be with us. Whew! I can finally cross that off the parent list. At 20, he will most likely hate it even more! LOL!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  5. Nothing more gorgeous than ballerinas!!! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos! HPS Tina!

  6. just beautiful, i just went to my daughters ballet recital last night, loved it. i really want to take her to a real ballet like in your pictures, i know since she is ten, she will probably giggle to much at the men dancers. hope you have a wonderful weekend

  7. Wonderful Pink post today, enjoyed looking thru the ballet pictures. Happy PS Tina.

  8. so romantic!! Ballerina's really do warm my heart and it really takes a special kind of man to smile through the agony...and women!!
    Hope this post finds you well...Happy Pink Saturday!!
    xOxO Nerina :)

  9. Dear Tina...Beautiful photos! Oh, I loved that little pink ballerina! Great blog. Thanks! Sincerely, Susan from

  10. Beautiful fanciful ballet pictures. Pink Blessings!

  11. I love this post, Tina. I never ever tire of seeing anything Nutcracker. My little niece is in it - a young girls dream!
    Happy Pink Saturday :) Nancy

  12. PS I vote for you to win that Michaels contest...that wreath is gorgeous!

  13. What a lovely post. It is perfect for Pink Saturday. Have a wonderful week.

  14. Beautiful photos, Tina! How can there be anything more beautiful than ballerinas in the Nutcracker?? Love the ballerina's expression - you made me laugh. Happy Pink Saturday!

  15. This post is just perfect for today, I love every photo. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  16. This is a delightful post. Ballerinas look so elegant. Yes, that last photo looks a little odd ... ouch, lol.

    Happy pink saturday - have a lovely week.

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  17. Love ballet, love The Nutcracker. I've even made several pieces of Nutcracker themed jewelry and hair barrettes! Thanks so much for sharing such beautiful pics today!

    Happy PS!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  18. Can you believe I have never seen the NutCracker and they put a beautiful show on right here in my home town every Christmas? I did go to see The Wizard of Oz yesterday and it was delightful. HPS xo Lynn

  19. Love the Nutcracker photos. I'm taking my 7 year old granddaughter to see this ballet this year. It will be her first time.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  20. Hello, I'm still making my Pink Saturday visits. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your pink post today! How pretty, I've always loved ballet! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  21. How beautiful, just love all the ballerinas. I plan to go to OKC to see the Christmas Ballet in Dec.

    Thanks for stopping by to see my skates.


  22. Doesn't the beauty and elegance of ballet just take your breath away? Those pictures are ahhhhhh. The last pic ~ well, nuff said.

  23. Hi Tina,

    Ooooh! How very lovely. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I love the Nutcracker. The dresses are absolutely yummy.

    Here's sending you fairy magic and butterfly wishes for a positively happy Pink Saturday.

    ~Kitty Kellie

  24. Beautiful ballerinas. The most striking thing for me besides the last picture was that poor lone little boy in the black among all the pink frothiness in the third picture. I wonder what he is thinking ....

  25. Happy PiNk to you, Tina

    I loved looking at these photos..just lovely!

    Have a great week,

  26. nice post. thanks.


(In my best Audrey Hepburn voice)...You're a darling to take the time to leave me a comment! xoxo, Tina