Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hello stranger!  Yes, it's me the prodigal blogger.  Been quite a bit since I've last post.  My only excuse is that life's priorities prevailed.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I left you hanging for some time now.  Some of you who follow my pinterest know I'm still around. 

About a year ago, I started my own home staging business on a shoestring budget. 

My hope is to be able to better support myself and my mama by building a successful home staging business.  Mama will turn 89 years old and I am still her full-time caregiver.

Right now I'm a one-band-woman who wears many hats.  It's taken some time but I've finally built up the staging inventory to stage two homes simultaneously.  Hopefully, the SF bay area housing market will stay healthy and I can pickup a few more clients.

I did started a blog to catalog my journey in building the business.  If you are interested you can find out more about it, just follow this link to Staged Interiors Inc.

Regardless of the (all too many) challenges life has presented me these past few years, I've been determined to keep moving forward.

I just wanted to let you know that I didn't abandoned you because of boredom or lost interest.   My creations and vintage china mosaic gave me much pleasure and I look forward to the day when I can return to creating more; and sharing it all with you.

In the mean time, some of you may have noticed that the tutorials for the DIY projects and mosaic tutorials are still up and will remain so.  I do answer the emails as time allows, so feel free to send in your questions and photos.

Thank you for sticking with me, your kind words and support have meant so much to me!

Be well!


Clip it!


  1. So glad you're back Tina. Missed your many posts and updates. Your instructions are thorough and easy to follow. I believe your mosaics are the best out there. You're very talented and have so much to offer. Good luck with your new endeavor. I know you will succeed.

    Welcome back!


  2. I know you'll succeed! How's everything now? I hope all is great. Continue posting! Good luck!


(In my best Audrey Hepburn voice)...You're a darling to take the time to leave me a comment! xoxo, Tina