Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hello, it's me....again

Hello my dear friends and readers! I've missed you all very much. I've not been around for a bit I know, bad blogger! I do have a reasonably good excuse. I've been on a very long pity party.

Me at the peak of my pity party

Several months ago I went into the hospital to have my ovaries removed and came out with a brain tumor. Hence the pity party lol! Now, no worries, I'm (finally) at the point where I am determined to get myself out of this seriously funky place I put myself in. What better way than to catch up with my beloved friends in the blogosphere!
First things first. One of the most motivating way to fix one's mindset is through inspiration...and favors lol. I've got a little favor to ask. I've been inspired by a very lovely woman. Her name is Heather Von St. James. Here is a picture of her and her oh so beautiful little girl Lily.

Heather is a Mesothelioma cancer survivor. You can read her amazing story on her blog HERE
Aren't they both so beautiful? Ok, now for the favor. If you could show your support by posting Heather's button on your sidebar, I know she would be most grateful, as I am!
You can grab her button below or anytime from my left sidebar.
Heather Von St. James - Mesothelioma Survivor Blog

Now that I'm focused on energizing myself, I've gone back into my little studio....

...and have been finishing up on project I abandoned months ago; specifically some lovely mosaics. I've also been planning some fun posts. So do stop by to see what tasty treats I have in store for you *wink wink*
Last but certainly not least, I'd like to thank those of you who hung in there with me and didn't take me off your favorites! Also, a special thank you to those who were kind enough to take the time and email me.

this buds for you
I'm very sorry I didn't reply to some of you, as I had trouble finding the right words that didn't make me sound like the pathetic wallowing brat I was being at the time. Hope you can forgive me.
I hope you have enjoyed your visit and thanks taking the time to leave me your sweet thoughts!

Have a lovely, safe and warm week! Be well!



  1. Tina- I am so sorry that you have had to endure such a hard time with physical issues. I pray that you are returned to vibrant health and that you don't have any long lasting effects. God bless you on that level.

    I will pop by your friend's blog. It is the 2nd prod to see her so I need to do it. I'm hanging in here with you, kiddo! xo Diana

  2. Oh, dear Tina, so sorry to hear about your health issues. How wonderful to see your post and determination to get back to what you love to do. I'll be praying for you!

  3. Good to see you back..I have keep you on my blog roll in hopes you would return! Sorry to hear about your health. Sending happy thoughts your way!
    Miss Bloomers

  4. Oh my goodness--stay healthy! Sorry you are going through this. Prayers sent your way.

  5. oh, it is ok for you to have a pity party, sounds really rough!!!! I truly hope you are doing better!!!!

  6. TINA!!!!!! So happy to hear from you. I LOVE your mosaics and other crafts and wondered where you went. Now I know.

    Gosh, I think you deserve the right to have a pity party. That diagnosis was f-r-i-g-h-t-e-n-i-n-g.

    Please take good care of yourself and keep on posting. Susan


(In my best Audrey Hepburn voice)...You're a darling to take the time to leave me a comment! xoxo, Tina